Information regarding the August 1, 2023 Legislative Updates More Info
Serving as a Public and Impartial Witness to the Signing of Important Documents.
For Electronic/Remote Notaries: It must be an electronic seal and signature that conform to generally accepted standards for secure electronic notarization and must contain the words “My Commission expires on” and the commission expiration date, and the words “Notary Public” and “State of Delaware”.
For Remote Notarization: No, however the notary performing the notarial act must be in Delaware.
Personal knowledge and satisfactory evidence of identity. Delaware law defines “satisfactory evidence of identity” as identification of an individual based on:
For remotely located individuals, notaries must obtain satisfactory evidence of the identity of the remotely located individual by using at least 2 different types of identity proofing.
Travel and Other Fees
Notaries providing their services can incur additional expenses, such as the added cost of traveling to perform a notarization. Delaware law does not address fees a notary may charge for travel related to a notarial act, but the national norm is the maximum-per-mile rate established annually by the Internal Revenue Service for business use of a vehicle. (Visit
When you wish to charge a fee, give customers your fee list before performing the service or traveling to perform the service. Your fee list should itemize the exact fee for a notarial act, separately from any other fees. This can prevent a controversy or complaint from arising later. A correct, itemized statement of your fees should make clear that you are not charging more than is allowed by Delaware law for performing a notarial act.